咨询OSCPA的 虚拟行为准则 关于虚拟活动中的行为问题.


If you are not completely satisfied with any Society course you take, you may attend a course of comparable cost at no charge, or get a full refund by contacting our learning team at (电子邮件保护) or 614.764.2727. (Please note that refunded registrations will not receive CPE credit.)


一旦注册和支付交易完成,您将收到发送到您个人资料中列出的主要电子邮件地址的事件确认. You will also have a record of the confirmation in your sbf111胜博发消息中心.


对于每50分钟的连续教学,俄亥俄州会计委员会授予一个CPE学分. Beyond the first credit, each 10-minute period equals 0.2个学分,每节25分钟等于0.5个学分.

照片 & 视频的政策

注册和出席OSCPA活动即表示注册者同意允许OSCPA在协会网站上使用活动期间拍摄的任何照片或视频, social media and in future print and online materials for sbf111胜博发



If we cancel a program, your registration fees are fully refundable.


Customers can cancel registration from a course with the specific guidelines and fees. 退款将发给已注册的人员,可以联系OSCPAsbf111胜博发网站服务中心,电话614.764.2727 or (电子邮件保护).

现场活动(网上) & 人)




Registration fee minus a 25% cancellation fee* is refundable.




Registration fee* is forfeited for day of event cancellations or no-shows.

* Fees cover speaker expenses and other guarantees.


在课程被访问后取消,将没收全部注册费和材料. If you experience technical difficulty and are unable to view a program, you must contact OSCPA within 72 business hours upon the first access attempt, 收到退款.


You may substitute another individual if you are unable to attend a program. 如果您注册了一个多日的活动,则只允许替换整个活动. Please notify OSCPA’s Member Service Center at 614.764.2727 of registration substitutions prior to the event. (请注意:非sbf111胜博发网站代替OSCPAsbf111胜博发网站将需要调整非sbf111胜博发网站费用.) 


虽然我们意识到你不能总是提前计划, we may not always be able to accept walk-in registrations at our events. 现场项目管理员将为您提供最新的注册信息. Full payment for any OSCPA event is due at the time of registration.

卖完了 & 候补名单

We make every attempt to estimate the number of attendees, however you may experience a “sold-out” situation due to space availability.

Some OSCPA programs allow for Waitlist registrations.  Registration fees apply to programs in a wait-list status.  在等待名单上的注册者在取消或容量增加时自动按照等待名单的顺序加入该计划.  If we are unable to accommodate you, your registration fee is fully refundable.  OSCPA will contact you within 14 business days regarding your waitlist funds.


天气是否会影响你的旅行安全,你是否需要确认某项活动或会议是否会如期举行, 访问sbf111胜博发门户网站, my.kathybakes.net 在主页上找公告.  When inclement weather results in the cancellation of a program, 我们将尽快通过电子邮件通知您,并将包括当地新闻台的信息. 大家都知道, 恶劣的天气可能会迅速袭来,并可能使我们无法与所有参与者取得联系. 请确保您的电子邮件地址和电话号码已更新,以确保您收到恶劣天气通知.


If you are unable to attend a program due to a death, 事故, or serious illness OSCPA may waive the no-show cancellation policy.  Your registration fee will be converted to funds on your account.  请提供书面请求至 (电子邮件保护)



折扣或单一发票,单一购买选项可用于大注册订单.  可用性因程序而异.  请致电 (电子邮件保护) if you’d like to inquire regarding group/bulk purchasing.  


志愿演讲者可以在演讲当天参加其他免费的会议.  如果他们希望参加额外的日子,他们有资格获得1天的折扣注册.  Speakers receiving an honorarium are not eligible for discounts.  演讲者将收到书面确认他们的指导,用于自我报告讲师CPE学分. 参加OSCPA活动的参展商如果希望参加会议,将获得项目注册费的50%折扣.


sbf111胜博发 both protects and promotes sbf111胜博发 and the CPA credential. If you are an inactive CPA and wish to reactivate your license, we are here to help you in completing the requisite 120 credits of continuing education, 包括由俄亥俄州会计委员会批准的专业标准和责任课程,强调俄亥俄州法律和规则第4701章.

OSCPA提供了一个包自学按需课程,以帮助您重新激活许可证. 我们的按需访问通行证让您可以访问由注册会计师为注册会计师审查和批准的100多个课程, 包括俄亥俄州会计委员会批准的按需专业标准和责任课程. 点击这里 了解更多.

If you prefer live courses, please check out our comprehensive catalog of offerings at kathybakes.net/myoscpa.

请致电 (电子邮件保护) for special packages available for inactive renewals. 

Disclaimer: OSCPA may not provide discounts for any partnered programs.  Examples include Youngstown State partnered programs, etc.

CPE学分 & 规定

The Ohio Society is a registered CPE Sponsor with the 俄亥俄州会计委员会, 注册号CPE.1 PSR.

俄亥俄州会计委员会建立了 继续教育规章制度 sbf111胜博发所遵守的.

如果俄亥俄州注册会计师被选中进行CPE认证,俄亥俄州会计委员会接受OSCPA赞助的项目摘要 transcript of credit earned in lieu of individual program documentation.

进行小组学习, 对于每50分钟的连续教学,俄亥俄州会计委员会授予一个CPE学分. Beyond the first credit, each 10-minute period equals 0.2个学分,每节25分钟等于0.5个学分.

For self-study, CPE credit may be earned at a minimum of ten minute increments.

Credits may take up to 24 business hours to appear on your OSCPA transcript.


OSCPA利用条形码扫描技术来处理CPE学分的会议出席.  注册会计师不应要求其他注册会计师将其条形码放入考勤验证箱中. 

sbf111胜博发 are responsible for compliance with all applicable CPE requirements, 规则, 和国家许可机构的规定,并负责准确报告所获得的CPE学分数量.  任何涉嫌故意违规的行为都可以报告给OSCPA职业道德委员会.   


未注册在线课程的个人将无法申请CPE学分,以获得CPE学分, 他们也不能自我报告CPE学分.  然而, 如果在课程开始前与OSCPA协调,四人或四人以上的小组可以观看在线课程. 请联系 (电子邮件保护) at least 5 business days prior to the online program.


sbf111胜博发 is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming
environment for all meeting participants and OSCPA staff. 与会者、演讲者、志愿者、
行为准则. This policy applies to all OSCPA events, including those sponsored by other
organizations but held in conjunction with OSCPA events on public or private platforms.
OSCPA has zero-tolerance for discrimination, intimidation or harassment by participants or
我们的工作人员在我们的活动. If you experience or hear of unacceptable behavior, please inform
蒂芙尼·克罗斯比,OSCPA首席学习官 (电子邮件保护) or 614-764-2727


• Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form

    o与性别有关的口头评论, 性取向, 残疾, 外表, 体型, 比赛, 宗教, 国家的起源
    o Inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or presentations

• Disruption during sessions, in the exhibit hall, or at other events organized by OSCPA

• Presentations, postings, and messages should not contain promotions, job offers, or
service solicitations unless previously agreed to by OSCPA. OSCPA保留权利
remove such messages and potentially ban the source.

• Participants may not copy or take screenshots of Q&虚拟空间中的一种聊天活动.

If unacceptable behavior occurs, OSCPA保留权利 take any action deemed
必要和适当. This includes immediate removal from the meeting without
warning or refund and prohibiting attendance at any future meeting, virtually or in person.


根据《sbf111胜博发》第7条H节 俄亥俄州社团章程, a member shall comply with the 规则 of professional ethics of the Society, 哪一个由 Code of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of sbf111胜博发 (AICPA), 包括其中所载的解释, as issued by and as may be hereafter amended from time to time, 除非《sbf111胜博发网站》与《sbf111胜博发》有任何冲突, 以本会章程为准.

进一步, 如果AICPA职业行为准则与任何适用的俄亥俄州法律或俄亥俄州会计委员会的任何适用的规则或条例之间存在任何冲突, 然后是州和地方的法律, 规则, 或者由法规来管理.


获得或更新俄亥俄州许可证的基本持续职业教育(CPE)要求是在三年的时间内获得120个学分. For specific educational requirements, refer to the 俄亥俄州会计委员会的网站.

New sbf111胜博发 holding the Ohio permit are required to report 40 credits over a two-year period. 例如,2017年获得许可的新注册会计师的继续教育报告期为1月11日. 2017年1月1日至12月1日. 2018年1月31日,要求40学分.

所有持有俄亥俄州许可证的注册会计师必须在每个报告期内修三个专业标准和责任(“PSR”)学分. 所有OSCPA的专业标准和职责都符合会计委员会的三个学分要求.

从2016年报告年度开始, all licensed sbf111胜博发 must have a minimum of 20 CPE credits every year.

请参阅有关的额外学分 黄皮书要求.